Online Language Learning: Where to start?

26 December 2018

Language learning on the go


To match the pace and demands of today’s lifestyle, it is almost inevitable to come into contact with more than one’s own language throughout an ordinary day of work, study, and even casual social gatherings. As our usage of social platforms, the internet, and the media reaches its peak, people are more interactive than ever before and face a higher possibility of foreign encounters on a daily basis. Therefore, language learning has become an essential part of daily interactions and a necessity to any upgrade lover, especially with the varied array of online language learning platforms, blogs, and applications.

Online Language Learning

Nowadays, it is both time and effort consuming to revert back to the old, traditional ways of language learning, which are replaced by the much faster, easier to use online language learning technology. Through the internet, one is free to access an endless number of blogs dedicated for the sole purpose of allowing interactive communication with native speakers of any given language, not to mention question-answer platforms for easy clarification of grammar, spelling rules, and even pronunciation guides.

Online language learning offers a variety of techniques to help the learner in every way possible, such as videos and audios, grammar correction tools, chat boards, web cams, and the list goes on. That way, the learner is free to pick and choose from among their most preferred way of learning, whether it be visual, auditory, or repetition-centered. 

Benefits of online language learning

Taking into account the wide variety of language learning approaches used in these applications, they offer the users many lesson plans and learning techniques that focus on all four skills of efficient language learning: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Another advantage of online language learning is easy accessibility, which means forgetting about strict schedules and stacked shelves of grammar books. All the user simply needs is access to the internet to enjoy a private language class, anytime and anywhere.


Best Applications

The increasing competition puts many options on the market, leaving a few applications to stand out as the most efficient and practical. Generally speaking, these applications can be summed up in the following list

1.      Duolingo

This application tops the list for many reasons; it is an online language learning application that introduces languages in a fun form of gaming, interactive language exercises, catchy pictures, and audios. Also, Duolingo is not directed at English native speakers, whereas it includes several languages as a staring point for learners in their journey of learning all 81 languages available.

2.    Memrise

This application is famous for its wide variety of vocabulary categories, ranging from almost every known language to invented languages, those made up by creative lovers of language. Also, it is distinguished by the wide variety of vocabulary dictionaries, such as Harry Potter dictionary, not to mention the funny educational memes that add fun to learning.

3.      Mindsnacks


Visual learners who rely on fun-centered learning techniques are invited to try out this gamified language learning application. Whereas other applications might offer a method or two of game-based learning, Mindsnacks offers an enjoyable variety of games that help learners practice language forms and vocabulary in a fun, catchy way.


Where to start

The first step in learning a new language can be a little tricky, for one never knows where to start; grammar to vocabulary and pronunciation to comprehension, the many components of a language can be a challenge to wrap one’s brain around. However, with the help of online language learning applications, it is easy to organize language into segments, titles, or even areas of interest to start with. For example, the user could choose to begin by learning the most commonly used phrases of a certain language, or by introducing the basic linguistic forms, or simple vocabulary items used in day to day interactions.


For all the reasons mentioned above and many more, learning a language through online learning sources can be beneficial to one’s personal and professional growth, without taking much effort. After all, adding some creative fun to the traditional pen-and-paper learning can never hurt.





